How to get to Bokor Mountain ?

How to get from Kampot to Bokor

Getting to Bokor from Kampot is relatively easy, with several transportation options available. The most convenient way to get there is by hiring a taxi or motorbike. You can find taxis and motorbikes for hire throughout Kampot and prices vary depending on the type of vehicle and the distance you need to travel.

Another option is to take a shared minivan from the Durian Roundabout in Kampot to Bokor Mountain. The minivans run regularly throughout the day and cost around $5 per person. The ride takes approximately 45 minutes.

If you prefer a more adventurous way to get to Bokor, you can rent a motorbike or bicycle in Kampot and make the journey yourself. This option allows you to take your time and enjoy the stunning scenery along the way. The road to Bokor is well-paved, making it a relatively easy ride.

How to get from Phnom Penh to Bokor

The easiest way to get to Bokor from Phnom Penh is by taking a bus or taxi. Several bus companies operate daily services from Phnom Penh to Kampot, where you can then take a taxi or motorbike to Bokor. The journey from Phnom Penh to Kampot takes approximately 4-5 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions and costs around $10 per person.

Alternatively, you can hire a private taxi from Phnom Penh directly to Bokor. This option is more expensive, with prices ranging from $60 to $100, depending on the type of vehicle and the number of passengers.

If you prefer a more adventurous way to get to Bokor from Phnom Penh, you can rent a motorbike or bicycle and make the journey yourself. The road to Bokor is well-paved and relatively easy to navigate, but be aware that it can be steep and winding in some areas.

How to get from Sihanoukville to Bokor

To get to Bokor from Sihanoukville via National Road 3, you can take a bus, taxi, or drive yourself. The trip takes about 2 hours and covers a distance of approximately 110 kilometers.

If you prefer to take public transportation, you can take a bus from the Sihanoukville Bus Terminal to Kampot Town. From there, you can take a taxi or motorbike to Bokor. The bus ride takes about 1.5 hours and costs around $5 per person. The taxi ride from Kampot to Bokor takes about 45 minutes and costs around $15.

You can also hire a private taxi from Sihanoukville directly to Bokor. This option is more expensive, with prices ranging from $40 to $60, depending on the type of vehicle and the number of passengers.

Finally, if you have your own vehicle, you can drive to Bokor yourself. The road is paved and in good condition, making it a relatively easy drive. However, be aware that the road can be steep and winding in some areas, so drive carefully.

Get direction for National Road 3

Get direction for National Road 4